4 Shortcuts to A Slim Waistline

Do you want to own a flat belly and a slim waistline? This article is not about dieting, exercising or toning. It is a practical guide for someone wanting to own a slimmer waistline and a flatter abdominal/belly, in a short period of time and in a healthy way.

Shortcut #1: Biohacking

My favorite biohacker Kevin Rose experimented with the new drug called Ozempic to lower his glucose levels and stroke risks. He also found out that he and his friends who had taken this drug also lost significant belly fat ranging from 5 lbs to 15 lbs.

It sounds like a perfect solution, isn’t it? Like everything else in life, there are some drawbacks. First of all, you will have to find a doctor who is willing to prescribe this drug to you (it’s most likely won’t be covered by your health plan) and you will have to inject it. Secondly, there are certain side effects such as nausea. Please consult your physician before considering and taking this drug.

Shortcut #2: Freeze The Fat To Death

You must have heard of “CoolSculpting” by now. CoolSculpting, or cryolipolysis, is a cosmetic treatment that removes excess fat in stubborn areas. It works by freezing fat cells, killing (literally), and breaking them down in the process. It will take your body 8 - 12 weeks to metabolize those dead cells and see the results.

Compared to Liposuction surgeries, CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure, meaning it does not involve cuts, anesthesia, or instruments entering the body. However, it can be pricey ($2,000 per treatment for the abdominal and belly areas) and it may take 1 - 3 treatments to see satisfactory results.

In very rare cases, CoolSculpting may lead to an increase in the volume of fat cells in treated body parts (known as paradoxical hyperplasia) a few months after the procedure. There may be other risks depending on your medical history. Because of this, it’s a good idea to talk with your primary care doctor about CoolSculpting before making an appointment.

Shortcut #3: Eat That Peel

If you are a stress eater - one of the primary roles of the stress hormone cortisol is to ramp up the appetite and encourage the body to refuel itself after responding to a stressor. The type of fat that accumulates as a result of this stress-induced appetite will typically locate itself in the abdominal region of the body. Another important player in this picture is the HSD enzyme, which converts inactive cortisol in cells into active cortisol. So higher activity of HSD means a higher rate of fat storage and a faster accumulation of fat stores. In abdominal areas, a high HSD activity leads to a rounder waistline.

Lifestyle factors, such as stress management, exercise, meditation, etc. can affect our stress levels, therefore cortisol levels; however, none of the lifestyle factors are known to directly affect HSD activities. Luckily, we know of a wide range of natural foods that contain flavonoids, from licorice to fruit extracts, that can help to control HSD activity. Among all those natural foods, polymethoxylated favones (PMFs) in citrus peels are about three times more potent in their ability to reduce HSD activity.

So next time when you eat an orange or squeeze a lemon, eat that peel. If you don't like the taste or are concerned about pesticide residues, you can always get organic citrus peel in powder form. "Root2Leaf" is definitely my favorite.

Shortcut #4: Interoception

Our brain has tapped and untapped power to control our bodies. In the spiritual realm, it is called “mind over matters” and “manifesting”. In science, it is called “interoception”. Your organs can make your brain feel better and your brain can make your organs work better. The exact mechanism may be complicated, but when put into practice, it is really about understanding “whys” and your brain will work together with your body for you. There are three questions that should always be asked: what results are you really looking for? Why do you want it? And what are you willing to do to achieve it? For example, I want to have a slimmer waistline because it is an important health indicator and most importantly I am a dancer and I want to look good when I dance. I may take those shortcuts but I am also willing to put in other efforts such as daily workout to achieve the goal. So, what are “whys”?