Why are you tired all the time?
Are you tired all the time? Do you feel energy crash in the afternoon or throughout the day? Do you feel you just don’t have the energy for the things that are used to excite you and make you happy? You are not alone. Chronic fatigue or lack of energy is so prevalent nowadays. It is ironic since we are overfed but very underpowered.
When I did my research on this topic. I refer to the worlding leading scientists, doctors, and health/wellness researchers. They have different opinions on the exact mechanisms that cause chronic fatigue; however, their recommendations on how to address this issue are quite similar. In this article, I will briefly go through the mechanisms of possible causes but focus on the simple things you can do to gain your energy back. I have been implementing those recommendations for a while now and I can definitely see I’ve become more and more energetic. There is one thing I can ensure you: life is much more enjoyable with more energy! Not only do you exudes joyful smiles, but also you possess the stamina to work, play, contribute, and explore the world.
The possible causes of chronic fatigue and lack of energy include:
Metabolic inflexible: you depend on one energy source (most cases carbohydrates) and your body’s ability to use the other sources such as fat and protein are not efficient
Overworked mitochondria: your mitochondria are overworked by processing foods and not getting enough support so these energy-producing powerhouses are on strike!
Chronic inflammation: your body is fighting against threats, either real (viruses/bacteria) or false alarms (auto-immune responses which may be caused by leaky gut), and a lot of energy goes to the battles instead of providing you the power you need
Unhappy microbiome: you are not just you, you are you and your microbiome. Your gut buddies decide a lot of things for you. If they are not having a happy life, they will make sure you won’t live a vibrant life either.
Lack of sleep: no brainer. If you are under-rested and your body and cells are not repaired.
Lack of exercise/movement: exercise/movement affects every function of your body. We are born to move. More directly, exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently.
The simple ways to conquer fatigue and gain your energy back. I ranked them based on how easy you can implement them!
The easiest: Diaphragm breathing at a 1:4:2 ratio
Time-restricted eating/intermittent fasting
Regular dental cleaning and check-ups
More outdoor time: at least one hour a day
Exercise: any movement helps!
Eat fermented foods (2 servicings a day) and lots of plant fibers. Certain soluble fibers deliver the most bang for fermenting bucks - they are the ones our gut buddies really love: inulin, oligofructose, fructooligosaccharides (FOCs), and the rest of the fructans. You can find these fibers in Jerusalem, artichokes, chicory roots, onions, leeks, garlic, green bananas, dandelion roots, and asparagus.
Eliminate/reduce sugar/carbohydrate intake
Eliminate/reduce processed food
Repair your gut lining by eliminating lectin-containing foods until your gut lining is repaired. Lectin-containing foods include bread, pasta, grains, white potatoes, brown rice, corn, peppers skin, tomatoes skin, beans, lentils, and some seeds. Pressure cooked black and red rice is acceptable.
Note: for this article, I referenced work by:
Steven R. Gundry, MD with the International Heart and Lung Insitute
Casey Means, MD with Levels Health
Daniel Amen, MD with Amen Clinics
Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D. with Found My Fitness