Celery Juice & Global Healing Movement

If you see people all over the social media holding their morning celery juice, you probably wonder what it is about and if it is a trend or a fad?

Celery juice, long known as a healthy juice, has become a global healing movement by Anthony Williams, a medical medium. You might wonder what a medical medium is. Well, Anthony provides medical and health advice based on alleged communication with a Spirit. He has described that he first received his expertise through a connection to "Spirit" when he was four years old. He claims that he correctly diagnosed his grandmother with lung cancer, and often healed family and friends throughout his childhood.

Anthony has published 6 books and has been on the New York Times bestselling list. He has 3.8 million followers on Instagram as we speak.

Anthony, along with the Spirit, believes that celery juice, when consumed in the right way, is a powerful and miraculous healing remedy with many benefits it provides, such as clearer skin, improved digestion, less bloating, sustained energy, better mental clarity, weight loss, and stable moods, just to name a few.

On his website, there are a lot of endorsements from celebrities, athletes, and even medical doctors. People reported that they have been healed from all kinds of acute and chronic illnesses, including Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, SIBO, constipation, chronic fatigue syndrome, blood sugar issues, migraines, acid reflux, high blood pressure, addictions, adrenal issues, gout, allergies, autoimmune conditions, and countless others, from drinking plain 16 oz of celery juice on an empty stomach in the morning.

In his book “Celery Juice” Anthony provides technical details on how it works. Celery juice contains sodium cluster salt, micro trace minerals, electrolytes, plant hormones, digestive enzymes, antioxidants, vitamine C, prebiotic factors and hydrobioactive water. Of course, the mechanism why those things work in magic is provided by the Spirit, not science due to lack of research interest in such low cost remedies.

Of course, there are many critics about the claim. Anthony doesn’t have medical training; therefore, by law, he can’t provide medical treatment advice. Even though celery juice has been proven to be a powerful anti-inflammatory drink, other health benefits have not been supported by the current research data.

What do you think of it so far? For myself, I am rooted in science but I am also open-minded. It takes time for science and technology to advance to truly understand the mechanisms. What can’t be proven is not within the scope of science. In that perspective, science has its own limitations. While I am open to alternative remedies and spirituality, I am also cautious about who and what I choose to believe. What are their intentions? Are there any potential harms? Are they financially attached? Lastly, I always do a risk analysis. What is the "Potential Benefit" versus "Potential risk + Cost"? For this instance, I don’t see any harm in doing a celery juice cleanse.

You may think for people who claim that celery juice cured their illnesses, are they placebo effects at the best? Yes, it is a possibility. But Placebo effects have now also been proven scientifically can change our physiology, and are therefore an actual effect.

The choice is always in your hand.