Is a KETO diet really for you?
While the ketogenic diet or keto diet has been around since the 1930s, there has been a resurgence of interest in this high-fat, ultra-low-carb way of eating in the past few years. There are many variations such as dirty keto, clean keto, keto cycling, high-protein keto, the Paleo/keto hybrid, etc. The experts will tell you that this eating plan is life-changing, and you will not only shed unwanted weight quickly but improve your cholesterol, blood pressure, energy levels, and sleep quality in the process. Who wouldn’t want all that?
To be honest, I have never tried this diet and I will never try this diet despite so many claimed benefits. Here is why.
First of all, I don’t like the physical looks of people who are on this diet: they are lean, but it always gives me a weird feeling. Please don’t be offended: I am just stating my own thoughts and true feelings on this.
Secondly, I don’t like the keto breath: they smell metallic and nail polish-like.
Thirdly, I don’t want the keto flu which may appear two to seven days after starting the diet such as headache, foggy brain, fatigue, irritability, nausea, difficulty sleeping, etc. Even though experts say the symptoms will go away eventually, I just don’t want any of them.
Fourthly, I don’t think I can stick to the diet: I love my rice and vegetables and don’t want to give them up for no good reasons.
Last but not least, I found the foundation theory of the diet is problematic: a keto diet is to put your body into a unique metabolic state called ketosis. In ketosis, the liver transforms fats into special molecules called ketones, a so-called miraculous fuel source that can be used to power the body and brain instead of glucose that comes from carbs. The basic idea is that a ketogenic diet will make you an incredibly efficient fat burner, allowing you to rapidly lose weight and enjoy a host of other benefits. But wait for a second, do you know who else is in a ketosis metabolic state? People who are diabetic!
And what about our brain, did neuroscientists tell us that carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the brain?
I do acknowledge that some people lose a lot of weight when they are on a keto diet. If you are one of them, and you feel good about it. This diet may be for you. I always believe your feelings tell you all the truth if you really listen to them.
If you are considering trying this diet or are already on this diet and experienced negative effects, the following information is only presented to you to help you make informed decisions. You should always look into the sources yourself and make informed decisions.
In his new book “Unlocking the keto code”, Dr. Steven Gundry revealed the real reason why a keto diet worked on some people, and how you can reap all the benefits without suffering from the adverse health effects of constant ketosis.
Dr. Gundry himself is a world-renowned heart surgeon and health scientist. He used to prescribe keto diets to a lot of his patients to help them battle a lot of diseases. However, through his clinical work and research, he found out that the theory of how keto diets worked is fundamentally wrong. Instead, he revealed that ketones can be a powerful substance for our bodies but through a different mechanism. And we don’t have to put our bodies through the agony of ketosis to get all the benefits.
This mechanism is called “mitochondrial uncoupling”. Mitochondria are tiny, rod-shaped organelles that live inside almost every cell of our body. They have a very important job: to produce energy for us! It can convert glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids from the foods you consume into energy. However, if we consume too much food, the energy may be converted to fat stored in our bodies for future use. Mitochondria are overworked and may die early. If we lose the powerhouse, we lose everything. Luckily, there are many ways you can help your mitochondria to uncouple from the process, take some rest, and make more mitochondria themselves. This is called mitochondrial uncoupling. It is such a wonderful thing because literally you are protecting your current powerhouses, building more powerhouses, so you can live better and longer. You will also waste some fuels so you can lose weight instead of converting them into fat. It has been found that the real reason why the keto diet worked on some people is that ketones are a strong mitochondrial uncoupler.
So the key is to allow mitochondria to uncouple from time to time so not only you can lose weight, but also nurture your powerhouses to live longer and younger.
Dr. Gundry gives 8 ways to allow uncoupling without putting yourself through ketosis.
Intermittent fasting or time-controlled eating: find an 8 or 10-hour eating window that suits your lifestyle and allow yourself in a fasting state to allow mitochondrial uncoupling
Polyphenols: they are concentrated in any dark or brightly colored plant-based food
Dietary fiber
Fermented food
Polyamines: you can find polyamines in nuts, seeds, shellfish, soybeans, and tea leaves
Cold bath or shower
Hot sauna
Red light therapy
Yes, as we mentioned, ketones are a strong uncoupler too. But you don’t have to strict your diet and put your body into constant ketosis in order to produce ketones. Instead, you can just take medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs are instantly absorbed without the aid of digestive enzymes. And unlike other fats, they don’t need special molecules to ferry them across the gut wall. It allows MCTs to go directly to the liver, where they’re converted into ketones - regardless of your carb and protein intake. If you have enough MCTs in your diet, you can generate the same amount of ketones as you are on a keto diet. The best MCT sources are goat, sheep, or water buffalo milk products. Of course, you can also take supplements or coconut oil.